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If you are from one of the snow-filled states come November, you have to ask yourself one question…
Are you prepared?
There is a very good chance the answer is no. Last year, the majority of cities ran out of the most important supply—salt! And what was available doubled in price. This was a huge setback to everyone around the country.
Meteorologist Joe Bastardi has predicted the weather for years. He has predicted that this year is going to be very similar to last year’s torturous one, possibly worse. Tons of snowfall, tons of frigid temperatures. The snowfall will be focused more on the eastern and southern parts of the United States like D.C and even parts of Louisiana. However, he is quick to add that it doesn’t mean states in other areas won’t see a good amount of snow. This will inevitably mean more salt is needed than available. Areas are going to have to start relying on bigger and better ways to keep the streets safe and clear.
There is always a sense of panic when it is predicted for a hard winter. We think about dozens of things, one of those is being ready. Are we? Is it too soon (it probably is!) Are my tires ready to handle it? Will I have to find a babysitter if schools close? Will I be able to make it to work? These questions are never-ending. And a lot of us are used to the harsh winters. We have our car scrapers and heavy coats ready by October.
Joe Bastardi doesn’t try to scare us. He wants to prepare us! And that is exactly what our mission is at Winter Equipment. We all know the snow is coming. Thinking ahead is great when ordering systems or parts for your company. There is a reason W.E.C is working year-round for all of your needs. We want you to be ready for when that first snowflake hits the ground. And if the salt supply runs out and prices are sky-high, everyone has to turn to plowing roads at a fast and efficient pace. We pride ourselves on being equipped at a moment’s notice for your orders.
The fact is, winter is coming whether we are ready or not. And this is where we come in. Winter Equipment is always ready for your needs. We work with many Departments of Transportation, Counties, Municipalities and Contractors. Our cutting edge blades, shoes, markers and guards help drivers tackle the snow in the most effective ways. We are always developing products that make us one of the best in the business. We believe in what we make and sell, will you?
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