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What is NASPO ValuePoint? NASPO is the National Association of State Procurement Officials, an organization comprised of Chief Procurement Officials of all fifty states to promote public procurement nationally. The NASPO ValuePoint facilitates the administration of the NASPO cooperative contracting group of state Chief Procurement Officials for the benefit of state departments, institutions, as well as other eligible agencies including cities, counties, and governmental organizations.
Why use NASPO ValuePoint? The idea behind NASPO ValuePoint is to use a state-led procurement process, from a variety of states, to create master agreements. This state-led procurement process ensures that NASPO ValuePoint contracts are solicited and developed in such a way that follow state government requirements, such as being competitively bid, and other state procurement rules so that all states can use them, leveraging the expertise and buying power of multiple states, and other participating entities to produce the best value contracts.
Click here to view Winter Equipment’s NASPO ValuePoint contract and the terms associated with this contract. You will be able to download a Participating Addendum (PA) and have access to the PA template and view documents associated with your specific contract, including amendments and updates, current existing PA’s, a summary of our products, and special pricing instructions. Each state, city, and municipality together form an immense collective experience and leverage the buying power of all fifty states.
There are two ways to utilize these Cooperative Contracts:
This option is available to those individuals whose states are already participants in the NASPO program and chose to use the NASPO ValuePoint Master agreement terms. By signing a PA, your organization adopts Winter Equipment’s NASPO ValuePoint terms and conditions. Once the statewide PA is completed and fully executed, it is then posted on the NASPO ValuePoint webpage so eligible purchasing agencies can access this contract and start buying.
When a participating addendum or state agreement does not exist for your state, and you feel it’s beneficial for your organization to utilize the NASPO ValuePoint agreement and terms, you can contact the NASPO ValuePoint Contract Coordinator (CCC) team directly at ( for approval and to complete this process.
If your state does not have a completed PA, follow your states instructions on our NASPO page under the “How Local Public Entities and Other Eligible Entities Participate” section.
To complete the PA, join the program, and use the same pricing, terms, and conditions of the NASPO ValuePoint Master Contract #29505, download the PA and follow these steps: