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Ten years ago, the Village of Buffalo Grove decided to “test run” two sets of carbide nose blades and undercarriage scraper blades and compare their performance to the traditional steel blades they have been using. After the switch, they never looked back. Since changing over from hardened steel blades to Winter® Equipment carbide blades, the Village of Buffalo Grove has saved:
The Village of Buffalo Grove, located in Illinois, sees an average of 38 inches of snowfall each year, 12 inches higher than the national average. Their public works department was responsible for plowing this snow each season.
Bryan Beitzel, the Village’s Maintenance Superintendent, has worked for the municipality’s maintenance department for over 20 years. He is passionate about what he does. In 2015, he and his crew earned the American Public Works Association’s 2016 Excellence in Snow and Ice Control Award for the changes Beitzel implemented around the city in the year prior to improve efficiency.
Because the Village sees so much snow each year, it’s always a challenge to clear it as effectively and efficiently as possible. Ten years ago, all plow trucks in the municipality were fitted with a front nose blade and an undercarriage scraper blade, except for two, which has a nose blade and wing blades. All the blades were steel and none of them were up to par for Beitzel.
After switching to Winter® Equipment’s Razor® system and RoadMaxx® products, Beitzel ran a cost-benefit analysis confirming that every truck should be outfitted with carbide blades to save big in the long run. Then, when the Village realized they were wasting time replacing plow shoes that needed to be changed and adjusted after each plowable snow event, Winter® introduced them to the Blockbuster® system.
Beitzel reported the municipality has seen undeniable cost savings and has valued the partnership the Village has developed with Winter®.
“We have not spent a single minute working on cutting edges during a storm event, we have saved countless man-hours changing blades, we have saved thousands of dollars because we eliminated purchasing hardened steel blades and we’ve eliminated the man hours spent repairing, adjusting and maintaining snow plow shoes.” – Beitzel
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