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Gravel roads have 3 main elements.
The basic shape of the cross section must be correct, or a gravel road will not perform well, even under very low traffic.
The road grader is the primary piece of equipment utilized in maintaining gravel roads. When using a grader switching to rotating, self-sharpening, replaceable tools can guarantee the right road grade every time.
Without carbide-tipped tools, roads can become misshapen. Using a worn standard blade gets poor results.
When choosing tools, a focus on superior design is critical. Carbide-tipped tools increase equipment productivity, provide a better-finished surface, and lower grading costs. They work especially well on these six common surface applications.
A scarifier quickly brings embedded rock to the surface so less new stone is needed.
2. Oil Road Reclamation
A scarifier requires less oil due to the mixing action of the rotating tools and better distribution on the entire road.
3. Ice and Snow Removal
A scarifier creates a grooved surface which facilitates better traction and the faster penetration of ice-melting chemicals; need fewer chemicals.
4. Asphalt Planning
A scarifier removes asphalt to the desired profile; bump grinds wheel ruts, washboards, asphalt pushes and frost heaves; removed material can be reused as fill.
5. Mixing in Calcium Chloride, Magnesium Chloride or other Dust Suppressants
A scarifier evenly mixes and distributes dust control agents; reduces the amount needed.
6. Chip and Seal Road Reclamation
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