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A trip edge is a mechanism that allows the plow to “trip” or tip when it encounters a road obstruction, so it can glide over without getting damaged.
Trip edge wear can occur when a snow plow is driven too fast over areas of the road with obstructions (like potholes or manhole covers). The problem usually presents itself in the form of broken blades, moldboard damage or heavy impact to the front of the plow.
Unfortunately, trip edge repair is often a necessary evil for anyone who operates a snow plow. In this post, we’ll explore prevention-based solutions to this problem.
Purchasing and using a sectional plow allows the moldboard to trip in different sections as it makes contact with road obstructions. With a full trip, the plow trips all at once. Trip edges will engage with anything solid encountered on the roads, especially anything immovable. When using a full trip, the whole moldboard will trip, taking pressure off the plow and allowing for longer wear.
These incredibly durable blades protect against breakage due to hitting road obstructions like curbs or control joints.
All snow plow drivers should be informed about how road obstructions can affect their equipment. Drivers should be cautioned against driving too fast or operating with outdated equipment, which can reduce the quality of snow and ice removal as well as damage the cutting edge.
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