Focusing on Off-Season Performance - Winter Equipment Company

Off-Season Focus on In-Season Performance

July 15, 2022

As a child, I remember watching an old Disney Silly Symphony titled “The Grasshopper and the Ants.”  It tells the tale of the lazy Grasshopper playing his fiddle enjoying the summer while laughing at the hardworking ants. The ants are piling away food in preparation for the winter and the Grasshopper laughs and says, “Wintertime is a long way off.”

Inevitably, the winter arrives finding the Grasshopper cold and starving trudging through the snow until he collapses on the doorstep of the ants’ home, where the party is raging.

Of course (this is Disney) the Ants let the Grasshopper into their home, take care of him, and allow him to stay.

The Grasshopper takes up his fiddle and sings a song about being a fool and that he understands that he needs to work and not play all the time.

Here at Winter, we are the Ants. We spend our summers working just as hard as we do in the winter building the inventory our customers will need for the coming winter. This allows us to be able to deliver better products faster than anyone else in the industry. It takes careful planning and cash flow management, but it is part of our commitment to being North America’s Leading Snow Plow Wear Parts Manufacturer.

Do not worry, we do find plenty of time to have fun! Just check out our social media feeds to see all the fun things Winter does when it is not hard at work.

Here is a link to the Silly Symphony

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  • Standard Highway Punch
  • Western
  • Fisher
  • BOSS
  • Arctic
  • Pro-Tech
  • SnowEx
  • Metal Pless
  • SnowDogg
  • Kage
  • Meyer
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