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Join us in Indianapolis May 6-9, 2018 for the APWA North American Snow Conference. We’ll be ready to meet everyone at booth #101 and Chill Zone #343!
The America Public Works Association’s trade show “North American Snow Conference” is just around the corner. This year’s show is being held at the Indiana Convention Center, located in the heart of downtown Indianapolis.
With so many restaurants, bars, and cars nearby I hope we make it to the show! Just kidding, we will be at booth #101 and Chill Zone #343. Trust us – we believe in the importance of this event so much we’re even a sponsor!
This year’s conference is jam packed with education sessions, workshops, a Rockstar exhibit hall, and even offers certification courses.
We’ll be sponsoring a program Monday, May 7 from 1:00 p.m. to 1:45 p.m. in the Exhibitor Solutions Theater. The event is called “Mechanical Snow Removal – Your First Line of Defense” and will address the importance of premium blades in snow removal.
Tech tours will also be available. We’re excited for the behind-the-scenes look at the operations of the Indiana Airport, which proudly boasts NO weather-related closures since 1978! You can also find us at the Indianapolis Motor Speed Way Museum, a designated National Historic Landmark, full of race cars.
There are special evening events, a new product showcase, and we’ll be hanging in the exhibit hall. The Winter® booth will be fully staffed, so whether you want to say hi, or experience our products close up and ask questions, we’ll be ready. See you there!
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